Satellites watch Iceland volcano spew gigantic plume of toxic gas across Europe

Satellites watch Iceland volcano spew gigantic plume of toxic gas across Europe

Scientists are tracking a massive plume of toxic gas moving across northern Europe that was spat out by the ongoing volcanic eruption in Iceland. The gas cloud is unlikely to cause any serious health problems. However, it could impact the ozone hole above the Arctic, experts warn.

On March 16, an underground volcano in Icealnd’s Reykjanes Peninsula blew its top for the fourth time in as many months, opening up the largest fissure of the current eruption cycle and unleashing a massive lava flow that narrowly missed the evacuated town of Grindavík. There were initially fears that the lava flow could reach the sea and unleash a plume of hydrochloric acid, which would have been “life-threatening” to anyone close to the coastline, Live Science previously reported. However, the lava never reached the shore. 


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